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Resources Committee Agenda 14th January 2014

Posted on 8th January, 2014 in Agendas - Resources


1.         Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence from Councillors unable to attend the meeting.

2.         Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Councillors and Officers of interests in respect of matters to be considered at this meeting, together with an appropriate statement regarding the nature of the interest.

3.         Minutes

 a)         To confirm the minutes of the Resources meeting held on 19th November 2013 as a correct record.

 b)        To consider the action list relating to the Resources Committee.

4.         Grant Applications

a) To consider the grant application made by Sunny Ile Pre-School for funding towards an air conditioning/heating unit for their porta cabin.

b) To consider the second grant application made by The Golden Oldies Charity, after their first application was refused, for funding towards a new singing and activity session in Ilminster.

5.         Financial Comparison.

To receive information about the Resources expenditure and commitments to date when compared with the 2013/14 budget.

6.         IT Upgrade for Office

            To consider the quotations received regarding options to upgrade the Council’s IT  systems and to make a recommendation to Full Council.

7.         Budgets

            To receive an update on the progress of developing the Town Council’s budget for 2014/15

8          Staffing Updates

            To receive an oral report from the Town Clerk regarding staffing matters.


Click here to download the agenda for the Resources Committee 14.01.14

agenda item 3a – Draft Minutes

agenda item 3b – Action list

agenda item 4a – Grant Application

agenda item 4b – Grant Application

agenda item 5 – Financial Comparison

agenda item  6 – IT Upgrade for Office

item 6 – appendix 1

item 6 – appendix 2

item 6 – appendix 3

item 6 – appendix 4

item 6 – appendix 5

agenda item  7 – Budgets



Ilminster Town Council
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