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Planning Highways & Transport Committee Agenda 18th February 2014

Posted on 11th February, 2014 in Agendas - Planning, Highways & Transport



1     Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence from Councillors unable to attend the meeting.


2     Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Councillors and Officers of interests in respect of matters to be considered at this meeting, together with an appropriate statement regarding the nature of the interest.

3     Minutes

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 4th February 2014 as a correct record.


4     Planning Applications

a)    Summervale Medical Centre, Wharf Lane, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 0DT, 14/00025/FUL

The erection of 8 No. dwellings and garages, formation of new access (GR 335927/114415)

b)   9 West Street, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 9AA, 14/00323/FUL, 14/00324/LBC
Alterations, extension and conversion of outbuildings to provide a single storey dwelling unit. (GR 335915/114674)

c)    Abbotts Court, Court Barton, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 0DU, 14/00464/TCA

Application to carry out works to a Ginkgo tree within a conservation area (GR 335998/114661)


5     Planning Appeals



6     Planning Decisions made by SSDC

There were no planning decisions to be reported.


Click here to download the agenda 18.02.14 NB

Ilminster Town Council
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