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Open Spaces Committee Agenda 22nd April 2014

Posted on 14th April, 2014 in Agendas - Open Spaces




1.         Apologies for absence.


            To receive apologies for absence from Councillors unable to attend the meeting.


2.         Declarations of Interest.


To receive any declarations from Councillors and Officers of interests in respect of  matters to be considered at this meeting, together with an appropriate statement
regarding the nature of interest.


3.         Minutes.


a) To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11th March 2014 as a correct record.


b) To consider the action list relating to the Open Spaces committee.


4.         Wardens Report.


            To receive the report from the Senior Open Spaces Warden about recent open spaces             activities in Ilminster.


5.         Herne Hill Management Plan


To consider and the draft Herne Hill management plan and agree in principle to its contents.



6.         Financial comparison and Virement


            To receive information about the Open Spaces expenditure and commitments to date
when compared with the 2013/14 budget.


7.         Cemetery Wall Maintenance


To consider the quotes for completing the remaining maintenance work to the cemetery wall and to decide on a schedule for this work.


8.         Town Signs


To consider the replacement of the town signs. The quotation received for the replacement of all 5 signs is £395.00 + vat.


9.         Recreation ground fees


To set the fees for the Funfair to use the recreation ground during 2014/15.


10        Ilminster Experience – Gravity Go Carts


To receive additional details of the proposed Gravity Go Carts event to be held at the Ilminster Experience in June 2014 and to consider granting permission for the event to take place.


11.       Drains and Road Gullies


            To receive an update on drain and gully clearance


12.       Permission to use the recreation ground.


To consider granting permission for Mr Hughes to use the recreation ground for fitness classes.


13.       Skate park surface


To consider a request from the Outreach Leader of Ilminster and Chard to carry out some work to the skate park to alleviate the slipperiness of the surface in some places.


14.       To consider taking agenda item 15(d) without members of the public and press present, due to confidential nature of the business to be transacted


15        Open Spaces Work


To consider the following:

a)    Service standards

b)    Task frequencies

c)    Staffing structure – and to make a recommendation to the Resources Committee.


click here to download O.S Agenda 22.04.14







Ilminster Town Council
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