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Open Spaces Committee Meeting Tuesday 29th July 2014

Posted on 22nd July, 2014 in Agendas - Open Spaces




1.         Apologies for absence.

            To receive apologies for absence from Councillors unable to attend the meeting.


2.         Declarations of Interest.

To receive any declarations from Councillors and Officers of interests in respect of             matters to be considered at this meeting, together with an appropriate statement regarding             the nature of interest.


3.         Minutes.

a) To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2014 as a correct record.

b) To consider the action list relating to the Open Spaces committee.


4.         Wardens Report.

            To receive the report from the Senior Open Spaces Warden about recent open spaces activities in Ilminster.


5.         Police Report

This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Police to report on any matters relevant to policing in Ilminster.


6.         Financial Comparison & Virements
To receive information about the Open Spaces expenditure and commitments to date
when compared with the 2014/15 budget.


7.         Feedback from Councillor Walkabouts

Councillors have recently had the opportunity to participate in walkabouts of the Cemetery, the Minster, the Recreation Ground, Britten’s Field and Herne Hill. This agenda item provides the opportunity for Councillors to give feedback particularly on the following:

A)   Cemetery maintenance

B)   Owl boxes

C)   Grass length on the land between Britten’s Field and the Ridge Path

D)   Herne Hill access

E)   Proposed Lookout point

F)   The Canal

G)   Multi Use Games Area


8.         Land at Court Barton

            To consider a request from the Ilminster Education Foundation for the Council to take over maintenance of the grass area in the centre of Court Barton.


9.         Church Railings

To consider the appointment of a contractor to paint the church railings.


10.      Temporary Vehicular Access Over Council Land

            To consider a request to allow vehicular access over council land to enable a resident of The Incline to remove excavated soil from their garden.


Click here to download O.S agenda 29.07.14

Click here to download agenda item 4 Wardens Report

Click here to download agenda item 6 Financial Comparison & Virements

Click here to download agenda item 8 Letter from IEF

Ilminster Town Council
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