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Town Council Tuesday 22nd July 2014

Posted on 16th July, 2014 in Agendas – Town Council

A meeting of the Town Council which you are summoned to attend will be held on Tuesday 22nd July 2014 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, North Street, Ilminster starting at 19:30 hrs.


The business to be transacted at the meeting is outlined on the Agenda below. Any reports listed as “to follow” will be made available as soon as possible, and in any event at least 30 minutes before the start of the meeting.


Yours sincerely


Joy Norris

Town Clerk



1.         Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence from Councillors unable to attend the meeting.


2.         Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Councillors and Officers of interests in respect of matters to be considered at this meeting, together with an appropriate statement regarding the nature of the interest.


3.         Minutes 

a) To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 24th June 2014 as a correct record.
(to follow)

b) To consider the office Action Plan relating to the Town Council Meetings.


4.         Mayor’s Announcements/Engagements

a) The Mayor will make announcements relevant to Town Council and Mayoral activities and engagements

b) The Mayor and Deputy Mayor attended the following engagements between 24th June 2014 and 22nd July 2014.

  • Horton Cross Nursing Home Summer Fete –  Friday 4th July 2014
  • Horseshoes and Handprints 1st Birthday Party – Friday 4th July 2014 at Manor Farm, Stocklinch
  • South Somerset Scout Association District Camp – Saturday 5th July 2014 at Waterloo Farm, Merriot
  • Ilminster Town Council’s Open Spaces Walkabout 2 – Thursday 15th July 2014
  • Swanmead Community School, Celebration of Achievement Evening – Thursday 17th July 2014
  • 19 July Firewalking with the Mayor of Chard


5.         Public Transport Information Presentation

A presentation to be given by an Ilton Parish Councillor regarding Public Transport Information.


6.         Police Report

Ilminster Beat Report June 2014 – To receive a report on Policing in Ilminster


7.         Reports from District Councillors

To receive reports from District Councillors.


8.         Report from County Councillor for Ilminster

            To receive reports from the County Councillor Councillors (June’s report was circulated to Councillors 02.07.14)


9.         Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies 

To receive reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies; at the time of publishing the agenda the following representatives had indicated they would be reporting.

A)        Making It Local – Councillor Keitch will provide an oral report

B)        Chamber of Commerce – a social evening was held in place of the normal meeting, so nothing to report

C)        Fair Trade Steering Group Councillors Keitch & Storey will provide an oral report


10.       Fair Trade

To consider passing a resolution to support the principle of Ilminster becoming a Fair Trade Town


11.       Community Resilience Store

To report on location and cost of renting property for the purpose of providing 2 community resilience stores.


12.       Open Spaces Review

A)           SSDC Officer recommendations on the allocation of S106 money

B)           Moving forward with regard to football facilities

C)           Sports Initiative Money

D)           Proposal for moving the cricket square

E)           Trial of tuck shop on recreation ground


13        Internal Auditor’s Written Report

            To consider the response to the Internal Auditor’s report


14.       Council Office Accommodation

This agenda item is to enable Councillors to discuss accommodation requirements so that when suitable opportunities are identified discussions can be initiated in a timely manner.


15.       Project Plan

To consider progress on the project plan and whether any changes are necessary.


16.       Poll Cards

To formally ratify the informal decision to request the District Council to issue poll cards for the by election of a Town Councillor on 31 July 2014.


17        Authorisation of Payments and Notification of Virements

The Schedule of Payments for authorisation is attached for Council’s approval.



 18.      Clerk’s Updates

The following Clerk’s Updates have been sent by email since the last Council agenda was published.


Number Date Topic
11/14 19.06.14 Casual VacancySomerset County Council Joint Strategic Needs Assessment: Somerset:   Our County 2013/14.Activities on the RecWar Memorial near Swanmead SchoolHerne Hill

Paper Shredding

12/14 26.06.14 Councillor’s “Walkabout 2”Ilminster Midsummer ExperiencePlanning Application for Parking Space Love Lane – Correspondence from   Mr R Drayton
13/14 02.07.14 Open Spaces Apprentice RecruitmentDistrict Councillors ReportCounty Councillors Report for JuneSomerset Minerals PlanEvent at the Minster

District & County Councillor Attendance at their respective   Council & Committee Meetings

Email about Recreation Areas

Agenda Items for Council & Committee Meetings















19.       Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider taking agenda item 19 without members of the public and press present, due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


20.       Hammerhead Land

            The Town Clerk to provide an oral update.


21.       The Cemetery – Legal Action

            The Town Clerk to provide an oral update.





29th July 2014 Open Spaces

12th August 2014 Planning, Highways & Transport

12th August 2014 Resources

19th August 2014 Council


Click here to download the T.C Agenda 22.07.14

agenda item 3a draft Minutes

agenda item 3b Office Action List

agenda item 6 Police Report

agenda item 11  Community Resilience Store

agenda item 13 internal auditor’s Written Report

agenda item 15 project plan

agenda item 17 authorisation of payments list

Ilminster Town Council
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