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Town Council 18th August 2015 at Ilminster Bowling and Tennis Club, Shudrick Lane, Ilminster

Posted on 13th August, 2015 in Agendas – Town Council

A meeting of the Town Council will take place on Tuesday 18th August 2015 at, Ilminster Bowling and Tennis Club, Shudrick Lane, Ilminster, TA19 0BN, starting at 19:30 hrs.

The public are welcome to attend this meeting. Members of the public are invited to ask questions or raise issues relevant to the work of the Council. The overall time available for this session is restricted to 15 minutes unless the Chair decides otherwise. Individual speakers are restricted to 3 minutes and are asked not to repeat points that have been made previously. It is helpful if potential contributors can make themselves known to the Meeting Administrator before the meeting so that the session can be programmed effectively.

Public participation is not part of the formal meeting of the Council however a note will be made of matters raised and recorded at the start of the minutes of the meeting.

The Agenda for the meeting is given below. Please contact the Town Council Office if you would like a copy of any of the reports.


Joy Norris

Town Clerk



  1.  Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence from Councillors unable to attend the meeting.


2.  Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Councillors and Officers of interests in respect of  matters to be

considered at this meeting, together with an appropriate statement regarding the nature of the interest.


3.  Minutes

A) To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14th July 2015 as a correct record (To follow)

B) To consider the Office Action Plan relating to the Town Council Meetings. (To follow)


4.  Mayor’s Announcements/Engagements                                                                                                 

A) The Mayor will make announcements relevant to Town Council and Mayoral activities and engagements

B) The Mayor attended the following engagements between 14th July 2015 and 18th August 2015:

  • The Mayor visited the Family Scout Group for Ilminster on Sunday 19th July 2015.  


5.  Police Report       

This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Police to report on any matters relevant to policy

in Ilminster.


6.  Report from County Councillor for Ilminster

To receive the report from the County Councillor Linda Vijeh.


7.   Report from the District Councillors for Ilminster

To receive reports from District Councillors.


8.  Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies

To receive reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies;    

Note: At the time of publishing the agenda no written reports had been received.


9.  Appointment of a Representative to Ilminster’s Literary Festival Organising Group

To consider a request to nominate a link representative to the Literary Festival Organising Committee


10. Carnival Club Site

Following on from the Public Participation session before the Town Council meeting on 23 June 2015, there will be a short presentation (approx. 15 minutes) regarding the project to identify a suitable site and establish a carnival park in or close to Ilminster. The Project Committee are looking for support and assistance from the Town Council.


11.  Busking in Ilminster

To consider a request from a young musician who lives in Ilminster to be allowed to regularly busk in the Market House on a Saturday. The person making the request has performed at local events including llminster Midsummer Experience and will be at Party On The Park this month. The person has indicated they would be willing to make a donation to a local Ilminster charity if they are given permission to busk.


12.  Resources Committee Recommendations

To consider any recommendations from the Resources Committee


13. Open Spaces Committee Recommendations

To consider any recommendations from the Open Spaces Committee


 14. S106 Offer Letter for the Football and Community Facility Project

To consider acceptance of the s106 offer letter and conditions from South Somerset District Council with regard to the Football and Community Facility.


15. Archaeological Works at Brittens Field

To consider quotations and appoint a company to carry out archaeological works at Brittens Field to satisfy Planning Condition No 11 for the Football and Community Facility (14/04748/FUL)


16. Contract Administrator Management Arrangements

To consider the management arrangements for the Contract Administrator.


 17. Recommendations for the Football and Community Facility Project Governance Group

 (a) Tenders for building the Football and Community Facility.

To consider the Governance Group’s recommendation regarding the acceptance of a tender and appointment of a contractor (to follow)

 (b) Delegated Authority to Approve Changes to the Building Specification

 To consider the Governance Group’s recommendation regarding giving the Town Clerk delegated authority, following consultation with the Contract Administrator, to approve minor changes to the building specification. (To follow)

(c) Communication between the Governance Group and the Town Council

 To consider suggestions from the Governance Group regarding communications with the Town Council.


18. Sports Club Licence

To receive an update on progress regarding the new licence to Ilminster Cricket Club for the licence to occupy the land which is occupied by the sports club.


 19. Petitions Scheme

To consider whether any amendments to the existing Petitions Scheme are required.


 20. Council Engagement – Surgeries and Quarterly Meetings

To consider starting Councillor surgeries and holding quarterly public feedback meetings and the associated arrangements.


 21. Effectiveness of Internal Audit

The Town Council is required, on an annual basis, to consider the effectiveness of its internal audit arrangements so that it can make any appropriate changes and complete the appropriate sections of the Annual Governance Statement in the final accounts.


22. Assistance of the Internal Auditor with the Development of a Strategic Objectives and the Associated Risk Management

 To consider the costs of using the Internal Auditor to assist with the development of strategic objectives and the associated risk management.


 23. Authorisation of payments and Notification of Virements

The Schedule of Payments for authorisation is attached for Council’s approval.


24. Project Plan

To consider progress on the project plan and whether any changes are necessary.


25. Clerk’s Update

The following Clerk’s Updates have been sent by email since the last Council agenda was published.


Number Date Topic
07/15 20.07.15 1.    Letter from The All Human Circus2.    Somerset County Council  Chairman – Awards for Service to the Community

3.    Parking Issues  – Update

·         Speed Limit Knott Oak  Parking restrictions, Listers Hill, Junction of Listers Hill  / Springfield, Court Barton

·         Disabled Parking Bays

·         Marking Disabled Bay:

·         speeding at Highfield.

·         New Road –Ditton Street / Shudrick Lane Junction

4.    Request from a private individual to erect a tent on the Rec or Britten’s Field for a toddler’s birthday party on 2 August

8/15 10.08.15 1.    Bat Survey2.    Party On The Park

3.    Somerset County Council Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Public summary

4.    SSDC Local Council Tax Support consultation

5.    Football and Community Project Risk Assessment

6.    Queen’s 90th Birthday







Open Spaces 28th August 2015

Planning, Highways & Transport Committee 8th September 2015

Council 22nd September 2015


Click here to download Town Council Agenda 18.08.15 NB

Ilminster Town Council
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