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Town Council 22nd September 2015 at Greenfylde First School, Silver Street, Ilminster

Posted on 18th September, 2015 in Agendas – Town Council

A meeting of the Town Council will take place on Tuesday 22nd September 2015 at Greenfylde First School, Silver Street, Ilminster starting at 19:30 hrs.


The public are welcome to attend this meeting. Members of the public are invited to ask questions or raise issues relevant to the work of the Council. The overall time available for this session is restricted to 15 minutes unless the Chair decides otherwise. Individual speakers are restricted to 3 minutes and are asked not to repeat points that have been made previously. It is helpful if potential contributors can make themselves known to the Meeting Administrator before the meeting so that the session can be programmed effectively.

Public participation is not part of the formal meeting of the Council however a note will be made of matters raised and recorded at the start of the minutes of the meeting.

The Agenda for the meeting is given below. Please contact the Town Council Office if you would like a copy of any of the reports.


Joy Norris

Town Clerk



1.        Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence from Councillors unable to attend the meeting.


2.       Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Councillors and Officers of interests in respect of  matters to be

considered at this meeting, together with an appropriate statement regarding the nature of the interest.


3.       Minutes

A) To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18th August 2015 as a correct record (to follow)

B) To consider the office Action Plan relating to the Town Council Meetings. (To follow)


4.        Mayor’s Announcements/Engagements

A) The Mayor will make announcements relevant to Town Council and Mayoral activities and


B) The Mayor, Deputy Mayor or their representative attended the following engagements

between 18th August 2015 and 22nd September 2015.

  •       The Deputy Mayor attended a Civic Service at St. Mary’s Church, Chard on 23rd August 2015.
  •       Cllr. Keitch attended the Somerset Rural Youth Project: 18th Birthday on 2nd September 2015.
  •       The Mayor attended a performance of the musical ‘Ghost’ performed by the Crewkerne United

Dramatic Operatic Society on 11th September 2015.

  •        Cllrs. Walker, Fowler, Goodall and Storey are to attend the RAF Association 75th Anniversary of

the “Battle of Britain” Memorial Service on 20th September 2015.

  •       The Mayor is to attend the Wadham School Presentation Evening on 17th September 2015.


5.       Mayor Cadet

The Air Training Corps has offered to provide a Mayor Cadet to accompany and assist the Mayor on official engagements. Whether to accept the offer or not is a matter of personal choice for the Mayor and it is being reported to Council for information only.


6.       Police Report

This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Police to report on any matters relevant to policing in Ilminster. (To follow)


7.        Reports from District Councillors

To receive reports from District Councillors. (To follow)


8.        Report from County Councillor for Ilminster

To receive the report from the County Councillor Linda Vijeh. (Attached)


9.        Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies

To receive reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies, the reports listed below had been received when the agenda was prepared, other reports may be presented;

  1. Ilminster Literary Festival. (Attached)
  2. Ilminster Chamber of Commerce. (Attached)


10.    Winterhay Lane – Footpath Designation

To re-consider the Town Council’s view on the designation of a Footpath adjoining Winterhay Lane


11.     The History of Ilminster Information Board

To consider the Town Council’s stance on the provision of a History of Ilminster Information Board.


12.      Fairtrade Signage

To consider a request from the Fairtrade Committee for the Town Council to support the installation of suitable road signage. (Attached)


 13.     Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations

The Town Council are asked to consider ideas and suggestions for celebrate / commemorate the Queen’s 90th birthday.


 14.     External Audit

 To consider the report of the External Auditor. (To follow)


 15.     Update on Internal Audit Reports

 To consider the progress on implementing the action plans:

  1. The Internal Audit Report for Financial Controls 2014/15 Annual Return. (To follow)
  2. Internal Audit Report on the Football’s Community Facility Project. (To follow)

16.      S106 Offer Letter for the Football and Community Facility Project

To consider acceptance of the s106 offer letter and conditions from South Somerset District Council

with regard to the Football and Community Facility. (To follow)


17.      Football and Community Facility Project Formal Tender Acceptance

To consider formally accepting the tender accepted in principle at the Town Council meeting on 18th August 2015. (Report to follow)


 18.     Football and Community Facility Project Contract

To nominate two Councillors to sign the Contract to build the Football and Community Facility.


19.      Football and Community Facility Bank Account

To confirm the establishment of a discrete bank account for the Football and Community Facility and the associated operating protocol.


20.     SSDC Consultation on Statement of Community Involvement

To consider any comments that the Town Council may wish to submit to the South Somerset District Council as part of the latter’s consultation on the Statement of Community Involvement.


21.     Project Plan

To consider progress on the project plan and whether any changes are necessary. (To follow)





Open Spaces 29th September 2015

Planning, Highways & Transport Committee 6th October 2015

Town Council 13th October 2015


Click here to download TC Agenda 22.09.15

Click here to download TC Agenda Item 8

Click here to download TC Agenda Item 9a

Click here to download TC Agenda Item 9b

Click here to download TC Agenda Item 12


Ilminster Town Council
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