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Planning, Highways & Transport Agenda 09th February 2016

Posted on 3rd February, 2016 in Agendas - Planning, Highways & Transport



Council Offices

North Street



TA19 0DG


Tel: 01460 52149

Fax: 01460 55642

Email: town.council@ilminster.gov.uk


Town Clerk: Joy Norris

02th February 2016

A meeting of the PLANNING, HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE will take place on Tuesday 09th February 2016 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, North Street, Ilminster starting at 19:30 hrs.


The public are welcome to attend this meeting. Members of the public are invited to ask questions or raise issues relevant to the work of the Council. The overall time available for this session is restricted to 15 minutes unless the Chair decides otherwise. Individual speakers are restricted to 3 minutes and are asked not to repeat points that have been made previously. It is helpful if potential contributors can make themselves known to the Town Clerk before the meeting so that the session can be programmed effectively.

Public participation is not part of the formal meeting of the Council however a note will be made of matters raised and recorded at the start of the minutes of the meeting.


Please note that the Town Council is a Statutory Consultee for Planning applications and as such does not make the final decision on any application. Any decisions and comments this Committee makes will be fed into the planning process and added to the report by the Planning Officer. South Somerset District Council is the Planning Authority and will issue the final decision notice (Planning Determination) once their investigations into the application, consultation period and decision making process has been completed.

The Agenda for the meeting is given below. All plans are available to view at South Somerset District’s website www.southsomerset.gov.uk or in the Town Council office.

Joy Norris

Town Clerk


1 Apologies for absence 

To receive apologies for absence from Councillors unable to attend the meeting.

2 Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Councillors and Officers of interests in respect of matters to be considered at this meeting, together with an appropriate statement regarding the nature of the interest.

3 Minutes

A) To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12th January 2016 as a correct record


B) To consider the office Action Plan relating to the Town Council Meetings. (Attached).

4 Police Report

This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Police to report on any matters relevant to policing in Ilminster.

5 Planning Applications

The Committee is asked to consider the following applications:

a) 16/00102/FUL, Barn Rear of the Royal Oak, The Cross, Ilminster

Change of use and conversion of existing barn into 2 No. one bedroom dwellings (revised application)

(GR 336090/114152)

b) 16/00121/FUL, Land To The East Of Units At Broadoak, Canal Way, Ilminster, Somerset 

The erection of 8 No. dwelling houses with parking (GR 334957/114797).

c) 15/05319/ADV, 4-6 East Street, Ilminster, SomersetThis application has been amended by the applicants and a copy of the amended drawing is attached. The amendments are: 

OMIT NEW FASCIA SIGN. PROPOSED NEW ‘LOZENGE SIGN AND PROJECTING GREEN CROSS.The display of 1 No. non illuminated lozenge sign, 2 No. non illuminated projecting signs and 1 No. vinyl sign.

(GR 336147/114515

6 Planning Decisions made by SSDC

The following decisions have been made by South Somerset District Council and are reported for information.For more details, please see South Somerset District Council Website: http://www.southsomerset.gov.uk/planningsearch

a) 15/05571/FUL, Devon & Somerset Fire Brigade Ilminster, Ilminster Fire Station, Butts, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 0AY

Formation of window in west elevation (GR 336226/114674)

Permission granted subject to conditions.

b) 15/05326/FUL, Russetts, Winterhay Lane, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9BB

(GR 335266/115186)  

The erection of a two storey extension and first floor extension over existing kitchen.

Permission granted subject to conditions.

c) 15/04926/FUL, Land Off Harts Close, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9DW(Revised application). (GR 334952/114852) 

The erection of 4 No. units for light industrial use (Use Class B1 (c)

Permission granted subject to conditions.

d)15/04266/FUL, Land Rear Of The Shrubbery Hotel, Station Road, Ilminster, Somerset,

TA19 9AR

The erection of 2 No. detached dwelling houses with garages and parking. (GR 335570/114687)

Refuse Permission For The Following Reason:

  1. ‘The proposal is contrary to the Council’s aims to preserve the health, structure and amenity of landscape features (trees) and safeguard protected species. Furthermore, it will not provide for an acceptable level of amenity for future occupiers. The proposal is therefore contrary Policies EQ2, EQ3 and EQ4 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028.’

7  Speed Watch in Ilminster 

To consider the situation regarding a voluntary speed watch group in Ilminster

Agenda 09.02.16 & Attachments























Ilminster Town Council
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