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Annual Community Assembly Agenda – 15 May 2018

Posted on 8th May, 2018 in Agendas - Annual Community Assembly

Annual Community Assembly Meeting

(otherwise known as the Annual Town Meeting)


Notice is hereby given to the electors of Ilminster that

the Annual Community Assembly meeting will be held



Greenfylde Church of England First School,

Silver Street, Ilminster, TA19 0DS


Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at 7.30pm

All registered Local Government electors of the town are welcome to attend the meeting.




1.         Minutes of the Annual Community Assembly meeting held on

9 May 2017


2.         Mayor’s Report


3.         Police Report


4.         Bishop Ruth Worsley, “What Matters, Who Cares?”

Bishop Ruth will lead a short session about community involvement linked to the Telling Our Story week.


5.         Organisation Presentations

·       Ilminster Literary Festival

·       Neighbourhood Plan Development Group

·       Ilminster Fairtrade

·       Ilminster Lions


6.         Public Question Time

Registered Local Government electors of Ilminster are invited to ask questions about things which affect the town.  It would be appreciated if questions could be sent to the Town Council offices at least 48 hours before the meeting as this will help with providing a response at the meeting.


7.         Mayor’s Charity Fund Awards


8.         Presentations of Awards

Citizen’s Award

Bradley Cullen Youth Citizen’s Award

Mayor’s Award

Click here to download the agenda for The Annual Community Assembly 2018

Ilminster Town Council
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