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Planning, Highways & Transport Committee Meeting – 7 August 2018 – Agenda

Posted on 1st August, 2018 in Agendas - Planning, Highways & Transport

A meeting of the PLANNING, HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE will be held on Tuesday, 7 August 2018. The meeting will be held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, North Street, Ilminster starting at 7.30pm.

The public are welcome to attend this meeting. Members of the public are invited to ask Questions or raise issues relevant to the work of the Council. The overall time available for speakers are restricted to 15 minutes unless the Chair decides otherwise. Individual speakers are restricted to 3 minutes and are asked not to repeat points that have been made previously. It is helpful if potential contributors can make themselves known to the Town Clerk before the meeting so that the session can be programmed effectively. Public participation is not part of the formal meeting of the Council however a note will be made of matters raised and recorded at the start of the minutes of the meeting.

Please note that the Town Council is a Statutory Consultee for Planning applications and as such does not make the final decision on any application. Any decisions and comments this Committee makes will be fed into the planning process and added to the report by the Planning Officer. South Somerset District Council is the Planning Authority and will issue the final decision notice (Planning Determination) once their investigations into the application, consultation period and decision making process has been completed.

The business to be transacted at the meeting is outlined on the Agenda below. Any reports listed as “to follow” will be made available as soon as possible, and in any event at least 30 minutes before the start of the meeting.

Yours sincerely


Joy Norris

Town Clerk



1      Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence from Councillors unable to attend the meeting.

2     Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations from Councillors and Officers of interests in respect of matters to be considered at this meeting, together with an appropriate statement regarding the nature of the interest.

3     Minutes

a)    To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2018 as a correct record.

b)   To receive the notes of the meeting held on 3 July 2018 for information (the meeting could not be formally convened as there were insufficient Councillors present to form the required quorum).

4      Police Report

This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Police to report on any matters relevant to policing in Ilminster.

5     Planning Applications

The Committee is asked to consider the following applications and agree their comments and recommendations to be forwarded to South Somerset District Council:

a)    Application Nos. 18/00968/FUL and 18/00969/LBC – 54 High Street, Ilminster, TA19 9AP

(i)         18/00968/FUL – Internal and external works to dwelling – retrospective

(ii)        18/00969/LBC – Internal and external works to dwelling house

b)   Application No. 18/01846/FUL – 33 Butts, Ilminster, TA19 0AY

Construction of a flat roof dormer on the rear of dwelling.

 c) Application No. 18/01886/FUL – 36 Station Road, Ilminster, TA19 9BG

The erection of a new dwelling.

6     Planning Decisions made by SSDC

The following decisions have been made by South Somerset District Council and are reported for information.  For more details, please see South Somerset District Council Website: http://www.southsomerset.gov.uk/planningsearch

a)    Application No. 18/00687/FUL – 14A and 15 Townsend, Ilminster, TA19 0AU

Alteration to existing access to 14, 14A and 15 Townsend to form separate access for 14A and 15 together with associated works and parking spaces.

Application permitted with conditions.

b)   Application No. 18/00801/FUL – Flat 3, Quantock Court, East Street, Ilminster, TA19 0AL

Replacement windows at the front and rear of Flat 3 of Quantock Court.

Application permitted with conditions.

c)    Application No. 18/01410/FUL – 12 New Road, Ilminster, TA19 9AE

Erect single storey extension (replacing existing)

Application permitted with conditions.

d)     Application No. 18/01503/FUL – 1 West Crescent, Ilminster, TA19 0ES

The erection of a single storey rear and a two storey side extension to dwelling house.

Application permitted with conditions.

e)     Application No 18/02109TCA – The Shrubbery Hotel, Station Road, Ilminster, TA19 9AR.

Application to carry out tree surgery works to tree(s) within a designated conservation area

Application permitted

f)      Application No 18/01674/FUL – 30 Carnival Close, Ilminster TA19 9DG

The erection of a front entrance porch, rear sunroom, and reposition of side access gate

Application permitted with conditions.

g)     Application No 18/01548/FUL – 8 Breowan Close, Ilminster TA19 0EE

Install a velux window in the rear roof slope and 2 velux sun tunnels in the front roof slope of the property (retrospective)

Application permitted with conditions

h)     Application No 18/01338/FUL – 12 Hither Acre, Ilminster TA19 9DA

Replacement UPVC window and door with brick and UPVC window. Change of garage int habitable use

Application permitted with conditions

7     Planning Application Withdrawn

Application No. 18/00982/FUL – The Shrubbery Hotel, Station Road, Ilminster, TA19 9AR

The erection of 5 No. holiday lets.

8     Parking of Commercial Vehicles

To consider the issue of parking commercial vehicles especially in East Street and the Butts


Planning, Highways and Transport Committee Members:

Councillors Belobaba, Dewick, Fagan, James, Mackillop, Shearman, Taylor and Walker

Click here to download Agenda for Planning, Highways & Transport Committee meeting 07.08.18

Click here to download Agenda No 3a – Draft Mins 05.06.18

Click here to download Agenda No 3b – notes of meeting held 03.07.18

Click here to download Agenda No 3c – Action list 07.08. 18

Ilminster Town Council
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