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Scarecrow Competition Map – Scarecrows being displayed 4th June -11th June 2023

Posted on 1st June, 2023 in News

Ilminster Town Council Scarecrow Competition Map – Scarecrows being displayed 4th June -11th June 2023

We have had a brilliant 15 entries this year.

Ilminster  Town Council are very excited to see all your creations, please see map below so you can follow the trail and discover them yourselves.

Click here to download the map: Scarecrow Map 2023

Paper copies of the map will be available from the Town Council office at the Old Magistrates Court (between 11am and 2pm), the Arts Centre and the library from Monday 5th June.

The winners will be announced at IMEX on Sunday 11th June 2023  1st, 2nd, 3rd and a 1st and 2nd community/business prize.





Ilminster Town Council
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