A Brief History of Britten’s Field
In a meeting on the 22nd November 1988, the Town Clerk reported that the total amount received from the SSDC for the sale of recreation land at Wharf Lane amounted to £86,901.05.
John Halford, the Town Clerk of Ilminster Town Council at the time, negotiated the purchase of 19.13 acres of land adjacent to Wharf Lane Recreation Ground in May 1989. HM Land Registry – Title No. ST363038. This land was purchased from Somerset County Council for the sum of £47,500. Planning permission was applied for on 20/1/89 for use in terms of recreation, leisure and open spaces.
During a meeting on 21/2/89, Cllr. Hodges suggested naming the field after Mr. Britten who had farmed the land for many years.
At a meeting of the Ilminster Town Council on 4/4/89, it was resolved that the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Town Clerk be given authority to sign the Contract for the access and purchase of a right of way to the new recreation land.
In October 1989, a letter was received from Mr. Britten’s descendant, expressing their thanks and appreciation on learning that the newly purchased land was to be named ‘Brittens Field’ in memory of their father.