Home News News Contribute to Ilminster’s Neighbourhood Plan

Contribute to Ilminster’s Neighbourhood Plan

The Ilminster Neighbourhood Plan is an exciting community approach to local planning policies and aims to help people living, working or studying in Ilminster to play a direct role in improving Ilminster. It covers all aspects – the location and type of new homes and other developments, transport, heritage, tourism and the environment, including tree planting, cycling, walking, our shops…

The Neighbourhood Plan Development Group is holding a series of structured workshops for the people of Ilminster to join in. Run by a team of professional planners, urban designers and architects in an informal environment, they will be informative and fun, with refreshments along with activities for younger people.
We will share the outcome of our completed ‘Call for Sites’ and ‘Sites Options Report’ and wish to hear your views on what sites are suitable for development, and the design of developments, in Ilminster.

The workshops are:

  • Site Selection Workshop No.1
    Thursday 26 September 2019, 17:00-19:00hrs, Ile Valley Youth and Community Centre, Frog Lane, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 0AP


Design Code Workshop No.1
Thursday 17 October 2019, 17:00-19:00hrs, Shrubbery Hotel, Station Road, Ilminster

  • Design Code Workshop No.2
    Thursday 21 November 2019, 17:00-19:00hrs, Shrubbery Hotel, Station Road, Ilminster

To join our workshops, please let us know as soon as possible, and no later than 5pm, the previous Tuesday, by emailing: martha@eca-p.com with the title/reference ‘Ilminster Neighbourhood Plan’. Should workshops be oversubscribed, we will arrange additional workshops and keep you informed of these.

We look forward to seeing you and hearing your views!

To find out more on Ilminster’s Neighbourhood Plan, please go to the Ilminster Town Council website’s dedicated page: www.ilminster.gov.uk/neighbourhood-plan/.

To keep updated on developments, please sign up to our monthly e-newsletter via the website page (as above).

To contact the Ilminster Neighbourhood Plan Development Group, please email: plan@ilminster.gov.uk.


20 September 2019
Last Updated
20 September 2019
Published in