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Agendas – Town Council

Agenda for the Town Council meeting being held on Tuesday 25th January 2022 at 19:30hrs via Teams

Posted on 19th January, 2022 in Agendas – Town Council

A meeting of the Town Council will be held on Tuesday 25 January 2022 online starting at 19:30 hrs. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend online. If you wish to attend, please contact the Deputy Town Clerk either by email town.council@ilminster.gov.uk or phone the office on 01460 52149 by 3pm on Tuesday 25 January 2022, so that an invitation will be sent to you via email. If members of the public have any questions on matters that are on the agenda, please notify the Council Office before the day of the meeting which item you would like to speak about. This meeting has...

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Agenda for the Full Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 21st December 2021 at 19.30hrs

Posted on 15th December, 2021 in Agendas – Town Council

A meeting of the Town Council will be held on Tuesday 21 December 2021 in the Council Chamber, Council Office, North Street, Ilminster, TA19 0DG starting at 19:30 hrs. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend. However, due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns and a duty to protect all attendees, there will be a limited number of members of the public able to attend. If you wish to attend, please let Ilminster Town Clerk know either by email town.council@ilminster.gov.uk or phone the office on 01460 52149 by 3pm on Tuesday 21 December 2021. Officers of the council will advise whether...

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Agenda for the Full Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 30th November 2021 at 19.30hrs

Posted on 24th November, 2021 in Agendas – Town Council

A meeting of the Town Council will be held on Tuesday 30 November 2021 in the Council Chamber, Council Office, North Street, Ilminster, TA19 0DG  starting at 19:30 hrs.  Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend.  However, due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns and a duty to protect all attendees, there will be a limited number of members of the public able to attend. If you wish to attend, please let Ilminster Town Clerk know either by email town.council@ilminster.gov.uk or phone the office on 01460 52149 by 3pm on Tuesday 30 November 2021. Officers of the council will advise...

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Agenda for the Full Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 16th November 2021 at 19.30hrs

Posted on 9th November, 2021 in Agendas – Town Council

A meeting of the Town Council will be held on Tuesday 16th November 2021 in the Ilminster Meeting House & Arts Centre, East Street, Ilminster, TA19 0AN starting at 19:30 hrs. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend. However, due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns and a duty to protect all attendees, there will be a limited number of members of the public able to attend. If you wish to attend, please let Ilminster Town Clerk know either by email town.council@ilminster.gov.uk or phone the office on 01460 52149 by 3pm on Tuesday 16 November 2021. Officers of the council will...

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Agenda for the Full Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 2nd November 2021 at 19.30hrs

Posted on 26th October, 2021 in Agendas – Town Council

A meeting of the Town Council will be held on Tuesday 2 November 2021 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, North Street, Ilminster, TA19 0DG starting at 19:30 hrs. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend. However, due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns and a duty to protect all attendees, there will be a limited number of members of the public able to attend. If you wish to attend, please let Ilminster Town Clerk know either by email town.council@ilminster.gov.uk or phone the office on 01460 52149 by 3pm on Tuesday 2 November 2021. Officers of the council will advise whether...

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Agenda for the Full Council Meeting to be held on 19th October 2021 at 19.30hrs

Posted on 12th October, 2021 in Agendas – Town Council

A meeting of the Town Council will be held on Tuesday 19 October 2021 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, North Street, Ilminster, TA19 0DG starting at 19:30 hrs.   Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend.  However, due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns and a duty to protect all attendees, there will be a limited number of members of the public able to attend. If you wish to attend, please let Ilminster Town Clerk know either by email town.council@ilminster.gov.uk or phone the office on 01460 52149 by 3pm on Tuesday 19 October 2021. Officers of the council will advise...

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Agenda for Town Council meeting being held on Tuesday 21 September at 19:30hrs in the Council Chambers

Posted on 16th September, 2021 in Agendas – Town Council

A meeting of the Town Council will be held on Tuesday 21 September 2021 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, North Street, Ilminster, TA19 0DG starting at 19:30 hrs. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend. However, due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns and a duty to protect all attendees, there will be a limited number of members of the public able to attend. If you wish to attend, please let Ilminster Town Clerk know either by email town.council@ilminster.gov.uk or phone the office on 01460 52149 by 3pm on Tuesday 21 September, 2021. Officers of the council will advise...

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Agenda for Town Council Meeting being held on Tuesday 17th August 2021 in the Council Chamber

Posted on 11th August, 2021 in Agendas – Town Council

ILMINSTER TOWN COUNCIL Council Offices North Street ILMINSTER Somerset TA19 0DG   Tel: 01460 52149   e-mail: town.council@ilminster.gov.uk   Town Clerk: Mark Tredwin   10 August 2021   A meeting of the Town Council will be held on Tuesday 17 August 2021 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, North Street, Ilminster, TA19 0DG starting at 19:30 hrs. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend. However, due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns and a duty to protect all attendees, there will be a limited number of members of the public able to attend. If you...

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Agenda for Town Council meeting being held on Tuesday 20th July 2021 in the Council Chambers

Posted on 15th July, 2021 in Agendas – Town Council

ILMINSTER TOWN COUNCIL A meeting of the Town Council will be held on Tuesday 20 July 2021 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, North Street, Ilminster, TA19 0DG starting at 19:30 hrs.  The public are welcome to attend this meeting. Members of the public are invited to ask questions or raise issues relevant to the work of the Council. The overall time available for this session is restricted to 15 minutes unless the Chair decides otherwise. Individual speakers are restricted to 3 minutes and are asked not to repeat points that have been made previously. It is helpful if potential...

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Agenda for Town Council Meeting on Tuesday 22nd June 2021 at 6.30pm

Posted on 17th June, 2021 in Agendas – Town Council

A meeting of the Town Council will be held on Tuesday 22 June 2021 at 18:30 hrs, OUTSIDE due to current Covid regulations. Outside of the Ilminster Cricket Club, The Recreation Ground, The Mead, Ilminster, TA19 0EY The business to be transacted at the meeting is outlined on the Agenda below. Yours sincerely Mark Tredwin Town Clerk AGENDA 1. Public Forum – Fifteen minutes will be made available for public comment and response in relation to items on this agenda. Individuals will be permitted a maximum of three minutes each to address the committee. 2. Apologies for Absence To receive...

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Ilminster Town Council