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Posted on 21st March, 2022 in News

Notice of Election – Parish Councils   NOTICE OF ELECTION ELECTION OF PARISH COUNCILLORS FOR ALL PARISH COUNCILS WITHIN SOUTH SOMERSET DISTRICT 1. An election is to be held of Parish Councillors for the Parish Councils within South Somerset District. 2. Nomination Papers must be delivered by hand to the Returning Officer at the Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2HT between 9.30am and 4.30pm on any working day from the date of this Notice but no later than 4.00pm on Tuesday, 5th April 2022. 3. Nomination papers may be obtained from the offices of the Returning...

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Date Change – Temporary Road Closure: Oxenford Lane, Dowlish Wake 

Posted on 18th March, 2022 in News

Date Change – Temporary Road Closure: Oxenford Lane, Dowlish Wake  Please be aware that we have received notification of a date change to a temporary road closure at Oxenford Lane, Dowlish Wake  for approximately 290 metres. The new date for the works to commence is 6th June 2022  and is expected to last until  17th June 2022 between the hours of 00:00 – 23:59. These works are for Milestone Infrastructure to carry out drainage works, their works reference is ttro441459 The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site  is not permitted on...

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Urgent / emergency Road Closure: – ttro335104SS – WW – Wiltown, Curry Rivel

Posted on 14th March, 2022 in News

Urgent / emergency Road Closure: – ttro335104SS – WW – Wiltown, Curry Rivel Please be aware that we have received a notification of a TTRN (urgent / emergency) road closure at Wiltown, Curry Rivel which will commence on 4th April 2022 and is expected to last until 6th April 2022. The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is not permitted on this occasion. For any further information about this closure please contact Wessex Water on 0345 600 4600, quoting reference: ttro335104 – Wiltown, Curry Rivel. A map showing the proposed...

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Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events

Posted on 9th March, 2022 in News

Please click here to download the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration events poster We will update the list of events as and when they have been confirmed. The link below will take you to the Official Government Platinum Jubilee website page https://platinumjubilee.gov.uk/get-involved-with-the-platinum-jubilee/ For further information on street party road closures please follow the link below to the SSDC website, SSDC have requested that any road closure requests are sent to them at least 6 weeks prior to the event. Road closures for local events | South Somerset District...

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Humanitarian Aid Ukraine

Posted on 3rd March, 2022 in News

HUMANITARIAN AID FOR UKRAINE Helpful links (Updated 16-03-2022)   This page provides links that may help people who are looking to provide help to those affected by the war in the Ukraine. We will update this page as and when necessary. If anyone finds additional organisations that they feel might be helpful to include please contact Ilminster Town Council. town.council@ilminster.gov.uk   What Can South Somerset do? South Somerset District Council UNICEF OXFAM RED CROSS   Please find below the link to the Government site for further information on the Homes for Ukraine...

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SSDC information regarding localised power cuts

Posted on 19th February, 2022 in News

We’re aware of continued localised powercuts across the district. We’re assisting Somerset County Council, Western Power Distribution and SSE to identify people who need help. You can find advice at https://www.westernpower.co.uk/power-cut…/power-cut-advice or give them a call on 105 for assistance. Please check on your neighbours to make sure they are OK and have what they need. If you’re worried they need additional help, you can phone 0300 790 6275 (option 7) between 8am and 6pm for support. We know some people won’t have access to phones or the internet so are working...

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Power cut safety advice issued by Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service

Posted on 19th February, 2022 in News

Power cut safety advice   If you are affected by a power cut, it is the Electricity Distribution Network Operator (DNO) who is responsible for maintaining physical electricity supplies to your home or business. You can contact your local DNO by calling 105.   If you need to light your home when you’re without power, we would prefer if you used torches and battery-powered candles rather than candles. If you must use candles, follow our candle safety advice.   Don’t try and cook using barbecues or using fires inside your home such as wood-burners.   Turn off...

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Temporary Road Closure: ttro481456 – Main Street to Cudworth Road and Main Street, Dowlish Wake

Posted on 18th February, 2022 in News

Temporary Road Closure: ttro481456 – Main Street to Cudworth Road and Main Street Please follow the link to view the above road closure; https://one.network/?tm=127036237 and the link for the Notice 2:    https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1111/03-notice-2_127036237_3395354_55005c5c77.pdf The order becomes effective on N2 date and will remain in force for eighteen months. The works are expected to commence on 14th March 2022 and last for 12 days to enable Wales & West Utilities to carry out main replacement works.  The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency...

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Date Change Temporary Road Closure: ttro480939TD – RS005842 – Ilminster Road, Thornfalcon

Posted on 18th February, 2022 in News

Date Change – Temporary Road Closure: Ilminster Road, Thornfalcon  Following on from our previous email please be aware that we have received notification of a date change to a temporary road closure at Ilminster Road, Thornfalcon for approximately 5654 metres. The new date for the works to commence is 16th March 2022 and is expected to last until 1st April 2022 between the hours of 18:30 – 07:00, (excluding weekends) Temporary Road Closure: ttro480939TD – RS005842 – Ilminster Road, Thornfalcon Please follow the link to view the above road closure;...

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Temporary Road Closure: ttro481255SS – WPD – Silver Street & Lincolm Hill, Shepton Beauchamp

Posted on 18th February, 2022 in News

Temporary Road Closure: ttro481255SS – WPD – Silver Street & Lincolm Hill, Please follow the link to view the above road closure; https://one.network/?tm=126969891 and the link for the Notice 2:https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1111/03-notice-2_126969891_3411890_dc71e7c12d.pdf The order becomes effective on 17th March 2022 and will remain in force for eighteen months. The works are expected to commence on 21st March 2022 and last for 5 days to enable Western Power Distribution to carry out the removal of rotten ash trees around power lines. The contractor has indicated...

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Ilminster Town Council