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Scarecrow Competition Winners……Breaking Free

Posted on 29th June, 2021 in News

Scarecrow Competition Winners……Breaking Free

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in the Scarecrow “Breaking Free” Competition 2021.   We had 20 enteries this year – Well done everyone. It was great fun event and we hope a lot of people were able to find or spot the Scarecrows in Ilminster.   What creative people we have in Ilminster! Take a look on our Facebook page at all the entries – you will find the photos.   It was so difficult to choose the winners, but we got there in the end and the results are in…….   Drum roll please……   1st prize goes to –...

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Temporary Road Closure of Chilworthy Lane, Ilminster from 21.07.21 to 23.07.21

Posted on 25th June, 2021 in News

Map – Chilworthy Lan – Donyatt Road Closure 21.07.21 to 23.07.21     Temporary Road Closure: ttro442790SS – BT – Chilworthy Lane, Donyatt Please follow the link to view the above road closure; https://one.network/?tm=121691662 and the link for the Notice 2:     https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1111/3-notice-2_121691662_3321160_8eff321750.pdf The order becomes effective on 15th July 2021  and will remain in force for eighteen months. The works are expected to commence on 21st July 2021 and last for 3 days to enable Utility Services LTD on behalf of...

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Temporary Closure of Footpaths CH14/10, CH 15/18, CH 15/15 and CH 14/9 (A303)

Posted on 17th June, 2021 in News

SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCIL DISTRICT OF SOUTH SOMERSET PARISHES OF ILTON, ILMINSTER AND WHITELACKINGTON Temporary Closure of Footpaths CH14/10, CH 15/18, CH 15/15 and CH 14/9   TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991, the County Council of Somerset has made an Order PROHIBITING ALL TRAFFIC from proceeding along (1) Footpath CH 14/10 from the A303 in a south easterly direction for 315 metres (2) Footpaths  CH 15/18 and CH 14/10 from the A303 in a northerly direction for 220...

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Scarecrow Competition Map Scarecrows being displayed – 20th June – 23rd June 2021

Posted on 16th June, 2021 in News

Scarecrow Competition Map Scarecrows being displayed – 20th June – 23rd June 2021

Ilminster Town Council Scarecrow Competition Map – Scarecrows being displayed 20th June -23rd June 2021   We have a brilliant 19 entries this year.  Ilminster  Town Council are very excited to see all your creations, please see attached map so you can follow the trial and discover them yourselves.   Click here to download the map:  Ilminster Scarecrow Map 2021   Winners will be announced Monday 28th June 2021   1st, 2nd, 3rd and a community prize.  Good Luck everyone.   Any further information please call the Ilminster Town Council Office on 01460...

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Announcement- Anthony Goverd

Posted on 16th June, 2021 in News

Ilminster Town Council were saddened to learn of the recent death of a former Mayor of Ilminster, Anthony Lionel Goverd, also known as Tony. He was Mayor between 1980-1982 and 1987-1989. We would like to send condolences to all of his family and friends at this sad time.

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Retail Recovery Programme – Training and Support – Sign up here.

Posted on 15th June, 2021 in News

    Click here to download information on the:  Retail Recovery Programme   FREE TRAINING & SUPPORT FOR LOCAL RETAIL BUSINESSES Kick-start your business post-covid with online workshops Social Media online retail business – Monday 28th June Selling online – Wednesday 30th June Digital Marketing Essentials – Thursday 1st July Come along to learn something new, or brush up on skills to enhance your business. Find out more information and sign up...

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Posted on 26th May, 2021 in News

Somerset County Council South Somerset Order 2012 (Amendment No. 21) Order 21 – ILMINSTER STATION ROAD With reference to the above order Somerset County Council have advertised this notice within the Western Gazette on Thursday 27th May 2021.       THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF STOPPING, WAITING, LOADING AND UNLOADING, AND ON-STREET PARKING SOUTH SOMERSET ORDER 2012 (AMENDMENT NO. 21) ORDER 2021 Notice is hereby given that the Somerset County Council proposes to make the above Order under...

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Posted on 25th May, 2021 in News


ILMINSTER TOWN COUNCIL   SCARECROW COMPETITION   Theme:  Breaking Free Entries to be received by Monday 7th June 2021 Scarecrows to be displayed 20th—23rd June 2021 for judging ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE FROM Ilminster Town Council Council Offices, North Street, Tel: 01460 52149 or download a form here – click here:  Entry guidance & form 2021 or Ilminster Meeting & Arts Centre, The Meeting House, East Street, Ilminster   Click here to download:  Poster : Scarecrow Poster 2021 Entry form:  Entry guidance & form...

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Ditton Street Update

Posted on 24th May, 2021 in News

Ditton Street Update:   The Town Council have received a number of calls with reference to the temporary traffic lights on Ditton Street. We have contacted the appropriate people and have the following update.   The temporary traffic lights at Ditton Street, opposite the Tesco petrol station, were put in place by Highways after the house, that the car crashed into, needed to be examined by a structural engineer.   The lights will remain in place as the building firm that is going to commence works needs to build a protective wooden skirt and scaffolding around the front of the...

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Posted on 19th May, 2021 in News

SCC COVID GUIDANCE Hugs, pubs, hotels – and more After months of keeping our distance from those we don’t live with, many of us will be looking forward to hugging our nearest and dearest from 17 May 2021. But please stay cautious and continue to follow health protection measures where you can.   When people welcome family and friends back, they also should let fresh air in too. The message of hands, face, space, and fresh air is especially important when mixing indoors.   Science still indicates that along with washing our hands regularly and wearing face...

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Ilminster Town Council