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Halloween Competition 2020

Posted on 28th October, 2020 in News

Ilminster Town Council had a Halloween competition to find the best pumpkin, the best kids costume and the best decorated house in Ilminster, and now the Halloween competition winners can be announced! Thanks to all who sent in their photos. It was great to see how people were celebrating Halloween this year. It was a tough decision, particularly for the best costume, so we had two winners. Best House: Anna Burridge and her two children, Logan and Lumin (a Sara Dairy gift voucher) Best Pumpkin: Sarah Rogers (a Sara Dairy gift voucher) Best Costume: Finley and Freddie Cox (a tub of...

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Phase 1 of the Playground Refurbishment!

Posted on 8th October, 2020 in News

Phase 1 of the Playground Refurbishment The eagerly anticipated upgrade of the playground is finally going to commence! On the 12th October 2020, phase one will begin, with part of the park being closed, and it is expected to be closed for about a month. During this time, areas of the current recreation area are going to be flattened and equipment to carry out that work will be in operation during daylight hours. We are expecting a rather large delivery of equipment on or around 28th October 2020. The delivery will be via a large lorry and it will need to use the Orchard Vale access to enable...

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Mayors Statement for the Community

Posted on 31st March, 2020 in News

The Town Council would like to update you on the actions that we are taking to help support Ilminster at this very difficult time. Our councillors continue to ‘meet’.  We have had to learn quickly how best to use digital resources to make sure that we can still deliver the work of the council and ensure that we will be ready to face the challenges of the next few weeks. We are very grateful to the local networks that are forming to help those isolating or who are now unable to shop for themselves.  Our office team will be providing the point of contact for any more volunteers going...

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Local Support for Coronavirus/Covid-19

Posted on 30th March, 2020 in News

Ilminster Covid-19 Support Group The Town Council is a partner in this group, which formed when volunteers across the town distributed leaflets to neighbours. It now has around 70 volunteers who can delivery essential shopping and prescriptions. To request help you can contact the Town Council on 52149 or email itccovid19@gmail.com. To volunteer you can signup at www.corona-helpers.co.uk or call or email or join the Facebook group – Ilminster Covid 19 Mutual Aid Do you want to help out? If you would like to get involved in the group please sign up at...

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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Information

Posted on 16th March, 2020 in News

Please download these resources for information, advice and guidance on the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Mayors Statement for the Community COVID 19 PARISH SHEET COVID19 Advice Sheet COVID19 Advice Presentation COVID19 Quick Tips A4 poster on Corona virus Information for hand washing technique Joint Statement From Citizens Advice in Somerset Citizens Advice in South Somerset regarding current services Police Message 18.03.20 COVID 19 MEMBER SHEET  Household Isolation Poster A4 Self Isolation Leaflet (V4) COVID-19 community pack...

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Ideas About the Wharf Lane Rec & Britten’s Field?

Posted on 14th October, 2019 in News

The Rec Users Group will meet in the Council Chamber on Thursday 17 October at 7.00pm. anyone who is interested in the Rec and Britten’s Field is welcome to attend. The meeting is informal and facilitated by the Chair of the Open Spaces Committee, Councillor Michelle Gunn.  Ideas raised at the Users Group feed in to the Open Spaces Committee and can influence the way the Rec is used and maintained.

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Contribute to Ilminster’s Neighbourhood Plan

Posted on 20th September, 2019 in News

The Ilminster Neighbourhood Plan is an exciting community approach to local planning policies and aims to help people living, working or studying in Ilminster to play a direct role in improving Ilminster. It covers all aspects – the location and type of new homes and other developments, transport, heritage, tourism and the environment, including tree planting, cycling, walking, our shops… The Neighbourhood Plan Development Group is holding a series of structured workshops for the people of Ilminster to join in. Run by a team of professional planners, urban designers and architects in...

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The Canal – Weed Removal

Posted on 22nd August, 2019 in News

A small group of volunteers from the angling club are starting to clear the weed, which has prevented fishing in recent weeks,  from the canal. The weather and the oxygen levels in the canal are now suitable for the work to be done with minimal risk of harm to the fish.  The weed that is taken from the canal will be left near the canal banks for a minimum of 24 hours – this is to enable any fish or other creatures to make their way back to the water. The Town Council’s Grounds Maintenance Team will remove the dried weed for burning in due course – this will be done when resources...

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Play Day’s at Ilminster

Posted on 22nd July, 2019 in News

Come along for a range of fun activities for children on 29th July & 5th August, 10 am to 3:30pm at Canal Way, Ilminster. See poster for details.

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Wharf Lane Rec, Ilminster Play Equipment Refurbishment

Posted on 25th June, 2019 in News

Some of the play equipment in the Wharf Lane recreation Ground, Ilminster will be painted this weekend (29 & 30 June) by a community payback team and will not be available for play. The Chairman of the Town Council’s Open Spaces Committee explained “In the longer term the Town Council will be installing new play equipment, the first phase of which is planned to take place by this autumn. It is well recognised that the current equipment looks tired, so the painting has been arranged as a short-term measure to make the play area look brighter and more interesting. We are sorry for the...

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Ilminster Town Council