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Community Use Ideas Wanted for former Gooch & Housego Premises

Posted on 24th June, 2019 in News

The Town Council is looking into the feasibility of acquiring the former Gooch and Housego premises in Ilminster and redeveloping it for community use. Mayor, Councillor Phillip Burton explained “It is very early days but there is an exciting prospect of the Town Council leading a project to turn the former Gooch and Housego buildings into a vibrant community facility in the heart of the town. We are very grateful to Gooch and Housego PLC for allowing us 6 months to explore the possibilities and develop a realistic plan.” The Town Council is holding a drop-in event at Greenfylde School...

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Ilminster Homes and Jobs Survey

Posted on 7th June, 2019 in News

The Neighbourhood Plan Development Group are conducting a survey about jobs and homes in Ilminster. The survey topic is  “Providing the Homes and Jobs that we need” and is made up of 16 questions in 3 sections.  The acting Chair of the Group, Cllr Stuart Shepherd said “Please spend 10 minutes completing the survey as we really need your ideas.” The survey can be  completed on-line by  clicking here  

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2019 Scarecrow Competition Map

Posted on 3rd June, 2019 in News

We are pleased to say that there are 13 entries for this years competition. Judging will take place early evening on Thursday 6th June. Click here to download the map showing the Scarecrow...

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Public Event – Future of the Former Gooch & Housego Building

Posted on 1st June, 2019 in News

Public Event about the future of the former Gooch & Housego Building (Cornhill, Ilminster) on 4 June 2019, starting at 7.30pm,  Ilmininster Bowling and Tennis Club, Shudrick Lane, Ilminster    The Mayor of Ilminster, Councillor Phillip Burton, has arranged an event for members of the public to give their views, thoughts and suggestions on the future of the former Gooch and Housgo building which is due for auction on 13 June. The event will take place between 7.30pm and 8.30pm on 4 June at the Ilminster Bowling and Tennis Club in Shudrick Lane and be facilitated by the...

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2 Town Councillors Needed

Posted on 31st May, 2019 in News

Councillor Vacancies There are 2 Councillor vacancies on Ilminster Town Council which the Council would like to fill by the process known as co-option. If you are interested in serving as a Town Councillor, please request an application pack containing more detailed information from: Ilminster Town Council, Council Offices, North Street, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 0DG, Tel 01460 52149 or email: town.council@ilminster.gov.uk or see the details on the Councillors page by  Clicking here  The Town Clerk should receive applications no later than noon on Monday 10 June 2019. To qualify to serve as...

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Scarecrow Competition – 2019

Posted on 2nd May, 2019 in News

This year Ilminster Town Council are again holding a Scarecrow Competition which all residents and local businesses of Ilminster are welcome to enter. Scarecrows should be displayed where they can be seen easily and on view from midday Thursday 06 June until 8.00pm Sunday 9 June 2019. The Scarecrows will be judged during this period. The winners will be informed by 14 June 2019 and there will be prizes to the value of £30, £20 and £15 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and there will be a community prize. Entry forms are available from the Town Council offices (open 10am – 12pm Monday...

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Neighbourhood Plan Logo Competition

Posted on 13th March, 2019 in News

Logo Competition: We are launching a competition to design a LOGO FOR OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN. This will be used on all publicity material and on the front cover of the neighbourhood plan* Conditions of Entry: • Up to age 18 (3 age categories with small prizes available) • Live or attend School in Ilminster. • Design a square logo, on A4 or A5 paper • Closing date: 5pm 29th March 2019. • Include your NAME, AGE, ADDRESS AND EMAIL ADDRESS on your entry • SEND BY EMAIL TO: plan@ilminster.gov.uk • OR POST: ‘Neighbourhood Plan Logo, Ilminster Town Council Council Offices, North...

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Influence Ilminster’s Neighbourhood Plan

Posted on 5th March, 2019 in News

What the plan is about? Ilminster Neighbourhood Plan is an exciting community approach to local planning policies. It aims to help people play a direct role in improving the town. Following events run by The Town Council in 2018, we have drafted our vision and would like your views on this before we prepare more detailed planning policies. We want to hear from you: Come to our free event on Saturday 16th March 2019 at The Market House, Ilminster, TA19 0DG 10.45-12.30pm: Walkabout: meet at The Market House at 10.45 for a briefing followed by a walking tour around the town centre. You will...

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Ilminster Annual Community Assembly Meeting – Thursday, 14 March 2019 at 7.30pm

Posted on 8th February, 2019 in News

The Annual Community Assembly will take place at 7.30pm on Thursday, 14 March 2019 at Greenfylde School Hall, Ilminster.  The Assembly, which is chaired by the Mayor, is for the electors of Ilminster and is an occasion to celebrate the contributions of local people and promote local activities.  Nominations are invited for the following: The Bradley Cullen Youth Citizen’s Award recognises young people who have made a positive contribution to Ilminster. The Ilminster Citizen’s Award recognises individuals who have made a positive contribution to Ilminster. The Mayor’s Charity...

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Ilminster Citizen’s Award 2019

Posted on 8th February, 2019 in News

Do you know someone who has made a positive contribution to Ilminster and deserves recognition for their efforts?  If you do, please see the information below. Click here to download a 2019 Ilminster Citizen’s Award Poster Click here to download a 2019 Citizen’s Award Nomination Form

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Ilminster Town Council