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Media Release – Dog Policy Review and Consultation

Posted on 1st November, 2016 in News

  The Town Council’s Open Spaces Committee has agreed to do a widespread consultation to find out what people think about allowing dogs in the open spaces areas owned or managed by the Town Council. At present dogs are allowed, off the lead, in all the recreation areas including children’s play areas. The Chairman of the Open Spaces Committee, Councillor Stuart Shepherd, said “It is a long time since the current policy of allowing dogs everywhere was discussed. A number of concerns have been raised with Councillors about dogs in the recreation areas – some people are concerned that...

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Media Release – Britten’s Field Restricted Access on 6 November 2016

Posted on 1st November, 2016 in News

Following the success of last year’s inaugural bonfire and firework event, Ilminster Town Football Club are organising a similar event this year on Britten’s Field on Sunday 6th November. In order to make the final preparations for the event, which opens at 4.00pm, Britten’s Field will be closed to the public from 2.30pm. and there will be stewards on duty at access points and across the area to make sure that the area is cleared of people. Signs have been put up around Britten’s Field. The Mayor, Cllr Val Keitch explained “We know that people like to use Britten’s Field,...

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Media Release – Soil in Brittens Field

Posted on 12th October, 2016 in News

Media Release – Britten’s Field Improvements. Improvements to some areas of Britten’s Field have been carried out by Ilminster Town Council and the Football Club which will also get over a problem of what to do with a large pile of soil. The soil was left over from digging the foundations of the Archie Gooch Pavilion and a large amount has already been re-used on the project site. The Mayor, Councillor Val Keitch explained “Soil was piled adjacent to the new pavilion during the construction work and has been removed as part of the final stages of the project, and before it...

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Mayor’s Quiz Night 02nd December 2016

Posted on 7th September, 2016 in News

The Mayor of Ilminster Cordially invites You to her QUIZ NIGHT In aid of the Mayor’s Charities. Friday 02nd December 2016 7.30pm for an 8.00pm Starts £ 12 a head which includes a finger buffet Teams up to 6 Venue: Ilminster Bowling Club Please see the attached Invitation with further details for how to enter. Click here to View Full Details for the Mayor’s Quiz...

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Notice of Election – Ilminster Town Council

Posted on 25th August, 2016 in News

NOTICE OF ELECTION ELECTION OF 1 TOWN COUNCILLOR FOR THE ILMINSTER TOWN COUNCIL An election is to be held of Councillor for the Ilminster Town Council. Nomination papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer, Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2HT on any day after the date of this notice, but not later than 4pm on FRIDAY 9th SEPTEMBER 2016. Forms of nomination paper may be obtained from the Returning Officer, Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2HT or from the clerk to the Town Council. The Returning Officer will, at the request of any elector for the...

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Notice of Election

Posted on 8th July, 2016 in News

NOTICE OF ELECTION ELECTION OF 3 TOWN COUNCILLORS FOR THE ILMINSTER TOWN COUNCIL An election is to be held of 3 Councillors for the Ilminster Town Council Nomination papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer, Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2HT on any day after the date of this notice, but not later than 4pm on FRIDAY 22nd July 2016. Forms of nomination paper may be obtained from the Returning Officer, Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2HT or from the clerk to the Town Council. The Returning Officer will, at the request of any elector for the...

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Presentation Evening – Winners of Scarecrow Competition 2016

Posted on 29th June, 2016 in News

The Winners of Ilminster Town Councils, Scarecrow competition were invited to a Presentation evening in the Council Chamber, North Street, Ilminster on 28th June 2016. The Mayor, Councillor Valerie Keitch presented the winners with certificates and prize gift tokens. Click here to read more!

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Stand as a local Councillor

Posted on 29th June, 2016 in News

Would you like to make a difference to your Town Council? Find out more by coming to our information session on 7th July 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Minster Rooms, Ilminster. Click here for more information

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Ilminster Town Council Scarecrow Competition Winners 2016 – 3rd Prize

Posted on 17th June, 2016 in News

3rd Prize – Hannah Knight Judges comments “Flower pot for head with twigs for arms an excellent scarecrow for the job.”

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Ilminster Town Council Scarecrow Competition Winners 2016 – 2nd Prize

Posted on 17th June, 2016 in News

2nd Prize – Greenfylde CoE First School Judges comments “A very topical Olympic theme, with 90% natural materials used, with a very cleverly constructed diver through Olympic rings.”

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Ilminster Town Council