Herne Hill was given to the town of Ilminster in 1931 by Major Sir George Davies MP and Walter Trivett. Now managed by Ilminster Town Council, the Hill covers approximately 25 acres and is maintained as a diverse woodland that can be visited and enjoyed throughout the year. Following the Nature Trail offers an in-depth view of the variety of plants and animals that Herne Hill is home to.
The Town Council has a small team of people who have expertise in the flora and fauna to be found on Herne Hill and also extensive knowledge of the Hill’s history, this is know as the Herne Hill Advisory Group. There is a management plan for the Hill which includes an overview of how the Town Council will be managing the Hill e.g coppicing and path maintenance, and a reference section giving information about the history or the Hill and the species that can be found. The Advisory Group reports to Open Spaces Committee.
On 21 October 2018 The Town Council declared Herne Hill as a Local Nature Reserve(LNR)