The purpose of the Open Spaces Review and the development of a master plan is to ensure that Ilminster’ s open spaces are fit for purpose not just now but for generations to come. As the Town Council owns or leases the land that make up the recreation ground and Britten’s Field it is taking the lead in providing an open space that is accessible to as many residents and visitors as possible with modern facilities and equipment.
The Town Council formed the Open Spaces Review Group which included representatives from football and cricket clubs to review the play and sporting facilities available at the recreation spaces owned and / or maintained by Ilminster Town Council and how they are maintained. The Open Spaces Review Group did not have any decision making powers but made recommendations to the Council. As it brief was largely fulfilled the Review Group was disbanded in September 2017 and a Rec Users Group will be developed in due course.
The Town Council has agreed the principles to be included in a master plan for the Recreation Ground and Britten’s Field. The full decisions of Council can be seen on this website under Town Council/Minutes/8th January 2014. A summary of the principles agreed are provided below, as a quick guide.
1. Existing play areas to be improved and enhanced.
2. Activity hubs and structural planting are part of the Master Plan, this includes provision for the southern slope of Britten’s Field, closest to the incline, to be used for sledging.
3. Access is to be improved by the construction of paths around the boundaries of the Recreation area.
4. Options for parking be explored, but the fall back position is that a limited number of parking spaces on Britten’s Field be made
5. Pitch Layouts as shown on the plan were agreed, subject to any minor adjustments required because of land levels.
6. Buildings be located as shown on the plan.
The following work has been undertaken in relation to the review
- Workshops held with Cricket and Football Clubs to explore their needs and aspirations
- Consultation questionnaires delivered to every household in Ilminster – June 2013
- Consultation at the Play area on the Wharf Lane Recreation Ground June 2013
- Topographical Survey undertaken
- Landscape architects engaged to provide suggestions and feasibility information
- Public consultation about possible layouts and ideas November 2013
Three small working groups were formed to develop business plans, which include costings and timescales for the various elements of the work i.e. sports facilities, play area, paths and planting.
Development information
September 2019
Quotations have been received for module 1 – an activity trail and planting around the skatepark, the timing of the work is dependant upon dealing with the Section 106 funding process. Estimates and installation times have been compiled for the remainder of the masterplan and the Open Spaces Committee have agreed (10 September 2019) that a recommendation be made to the Town Council to proceed with the project. It is anticipated that the recommendation and further details will be considered at the Town Council meeting on 26 November 2019.
Cricket Facilities
Planning Permission for internal improvements to the pavilion was obtained in 2014 (details of the Planning Application can be seen by using the following link the Planning Application number is 14/03198/FUL). Since then it has become clear that a larger project, possibly involving rebuilding the Pavilion with a slightly larger footprint, will be required in order to meet the English Cricket Board (ECB) requirements. During the summer of 2019 representatives of The Cricket Club have met with South Somerset District Council and the ECB to discuss current standards e.g. for changing rooms, and funding. The Cricket Club are now considering the appointment of an architect to help design the Pavilion.
Football Facilities
Planning Permission to construct a new Football and Community Facility was granted on 18 December 2014. Details of the Planning Application can be seen by using the following link the Planning Application number is 14/04748/FUL. The Town Council owns the new building and will lease it to Ilminster Football Club for a minimum of 25 years (Town Council meeting 22nd July 2014 Minute 219). The Football Club secured the grant funding needed to build the new facility; the funding that the Town Council needs to provided at that time was the £5,000 grant (agreed at the meeting held on 19th August 2014 (Minute 239)).
Following a process which included submitting a quotation and an interview, a Contract Administrator was appointed in March 2015, (that person’s job was compile all the documents needed for carrying out a tender procedure so that a builder could be appointed and a build cost agreed). The Town Council formally agreed to accept the tender of £573,340 at their meeting on 22nd September 2015 and a contract with M W Lazell (Builders) Ltd was formally signed on 1st October 2015. The contractor moved onto site the following week. The project was substantially completed in late summer 2016.
As part of the Planning Conditions, an Archaeological Report was required, please see the report in full attached below: