If you have recently flooded, wish to report flooding or need resources to aid your recovery, please refer to
Emergency Contacts
Emergency Services (if life is at risk) 999
Environment Agency – Floodline 0345 988 1188
Wessex Water 0345 600 4 600
Sewage floodline 0845 850 5959
Non-Emergency Contacts
Environment Agency 03708 506 506
National Flood Forum 01299 403 055
Police (non-emergency) 101
Somerset Drainage Boards 01278 789906
Somerset Highways(to report blocked
Highway drain or gully) 0300 123 2224
If your query does not fall into our immediate priorities, please be assured that it will be logged. However, to make the best use of the team’s resources currently, you are unlikely to receive a response until we return to business-as-usual activities.