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Open Spaces Committee

Number of Members:8 Councillors

Frequency of Meetings:   Every 2 months

Open to the Press and Public:   Yes (unless a Resolution is made to exclude the press and public for a specific item / specific reason)

Quorum:   5

Overall Purpose / Scope: 

  • To make decisions and recommendations regarding the budget, expenditure and income relating to the open spaces and play areas owned or managed by the Town Council, Herne Hill and the Cemetery
  • To make recommendations regarding the policies relating to the open spaces and play areas owned or managed by the Town Council, Herne Hill and the Cemetery

Specific Responsibilities:

  1. To make recommendations to Council regarding the annual budget for:
    • the open spaces and play areas owned or managed by the Town Council (including any buildings located within the open space)
    • Herne Hill;
    • the Cemetery
    • the canal
  2. To make recommendations to Council on expenditure exceeding £5,000, or where a budget has not previously been agreed by Council or where a virement is required for:
    • the open spaces and play areas owned or managed by the Town Council (including any buildings located within the open space)
    • Herne Hill;
    • the Cemetery
    • the canal
  3. *To make decisions, on expenditure up to the value of £5,000 where a budget has already been agreed by Council, (including budgets set as a part of the annual budget process) for:
    • the open spaces and play areas owned or managed by the Town Council (including any buildings located within the open space)
    • Herne Hill;
    • the Cemetery
    • the canal
  4. * To approve virements up to the value of £5,000 within the relevant, approved budgets for:
    • the open spaces and play areas owned or managed by the Town Council (including any buildings located within the open space)
    • Herne Hill;
    • the Cemetery
    • the canal

    Such virements to be reported to Council.

  5. To monitor expenditure against approved, relevant budgets.
  6. To determine requests for use of the Recreation Ground, Britten’s Field or any other open space owned or managed by the Town Council, where there is no precedent or if the request is for frequent / regular use.
  7. To propose the fee scale to be charged for usage of the Recreation Ground, Britten’s Field or any other open space owned or managed by the Town Council (the proposal to form part of the annual budget)
  8. To agree the broad content of any legal agreements, licences or leases for use of the Recreation Ground and Britten’s Field or any other open space owned or managed by the Town Council.
  9. To make recommendations to Council on policies and strategies for managing
    • the open spaces and play areas owned or managed by the Town Council (including any buildings located within the open space)
    • Herne Hill;
    • the Cemetery
    • the canal
  10. To oversee the implementation of the policies and strategies for managing
    • the open spaces and play areas owned or managed by the Town Council (including any buildings located within the open space)
    • Herne Hill;
    • the Cemetery
    • the canal
  11.  *To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to the likely effect on crime and disorder and the need for prevention (Crime & Disorder Act 1998 S17)
  12. To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to the Council’s duty to promote equality and diversity
  13. To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to Human Rights legislation
  14. To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to environmental impact and sustainability
  15. To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to health and safety
  16. To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to obtaining and delivering value for money.
Ilminster Town Council
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