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Resources Committee

Number of Members:        8 Councillors

Note: If items pertaining to either the Grievance, Capability and Disciplinary Committee or the Appeals Committee are to be discussed at the Resources Committee the members of the Grievance, Capability and Disciplinary Committee and the Appeals Committee will leave the room for those discussions

Frequency of Meetings:   Every 2 months

Open to the Press and Public: Yes (unless a Resolution is made to exclude the press and public for a specific item / specific reason)

Quorum: 5 Councillors

Overall Purpose / Scope:

  • To make decisions and recommendations regarding the budget, expenditure and policies regarding the Council’s resources i.e. property, information and communication technology, staffing


Specific Responsibilities

1. To make recommendations to Council regarding the annual budget for matters relating to property, information and communication technology, and staffing

2. To make recommendations to Council on expenditure exceeding £5,000, or where a budget has not previously been agreed by Council or where a virement is required for all matters relating to property, information and communication technology and staffing

3. *To make decisions, on expenditure up to the value of £5,000 where a budget has already been agreed by Council, (including budgets set as a part of the annual budget process) for all matters relating to property, information and communication technology and staffing

4. *To approve virements up to the value of – £5,000 within the relevant, approved budgets for all matters relating to property, information and communication technology and staffing; such virements to be reported to Council

5. To make recommendations to Council regarding changes to Financial Regulations

6. *To monitor expenditure against approved, relevant budgets for all matters relating to property, information and communication technology and staffing

7. *To ensure that funding opportunities and income generation opportunities are explored and developed

8. * To approve Grants and Revenue Subsidy Grants, within the allocated budgets

9. *To make recommendations to Council on policies and strategies relating to all matters for all matters relating to property, information and communication technology and staffing

10. *To approve a costed training plan which is within the Town Council’s approved budget for training

11. * To approve the Council’s appraisal scheme

12. *To agree and oversee the implementation of any policies and strategies for managing the weekly market.

13. To propose fees to be charged to stall holders at the weekly market (the proposal to form part of the annual budget).

14. *To agree any arrangements relating to the tenancy of the cemetery lodge.

15. To consider the terms of each proposed sponsorship agreement e.g. locations, duration, size and type of sponsorship sign and decide the value and make recommendations to Council.

16. *To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to the likely effect on crime and disorder and the need for prevention (Crime & Disorder Act 1998 S17)

17. *To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to the Council’s duty to promote equality and diversity

18. *To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to Human Rights legislation

19. *To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to environmental impact and sustainability

20. *To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to health and safety

21. *To ensure that in respect of the Committee’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to obtaining and delivering value for money.

Resources Minutes

A decision was made on 10th September 2013 to change the Finance and Policy Committee and make it into the Resources Committee Please note: Draft minutes have not been considered and agreed by the Committee
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Ilminster Town Council
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