Somerset Council came into being on April 1 2023. The new unitary council brings together the services previously provided by the four district councils in Somerset (Mendip, Sedgemoor, Somerset West and Taunton, and South Somerset) alongside the services provided by Somerset County Council.
The new Council continues to work alongside the existing town and parish councils and their role is enhanced through new Local Community Networks.
The vision for Somerset Council is that it will be our guiding beacon through the next four years.
This dynamic vision puts all the people of Somerset at the heart of everything they do; they will be a council that will do their best to be there whenever our residents need them. The way in which they deliver their services may change, but they are committed to making all your interactions with the council easier and build trust over the coming years.
The Somerset Council Services
- Beaches, ports and flooding, Includes coastlines, inland waterways and harbours
- Benefits and payments, Includes making a payment, welfare rights and low income benefits
- Bins, recycling and waste, Includes information on collections, recycling centres, policy and regulations
- Births, ceremonies and deaths, Includes registration, marriages and copies of certificates
- Business, economy and licences, Includes advice, grants, economic development and regeneration
- Care and support for adults, Includes adult social care, information for carers and help to live at home
- Children, families and education, Includes schools, childcare and our Local Offer for ages 0 to 25
- Community, leisure and tourism, Includes things to do, places to go and community safety
- Council and democracy, Includes how the council works, council meetings and have your say
- Council Tax, Includes paying for your Council Tax, change in circumstance and support
- Environment and food safety, Includes Environmental Health, noise and nuisance and climate emergency
- Finance, performance and legal, Includes Freedom of Information, Data Protection and procurement
- Health, safety and wellbeing, Includes health checks, campaigns and mental health support
- Libraries, Includes library services, learning and events
- Planning, buildings and land, Includes planning permission, building control, countryside and open spaces
- Roads, travel and parking , Includes problems on the road, road closures and Rights of Way
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