
The Town Council has very limited manpower and resources to help residents who suffer from flooding.

If there is a yellow/amber warning for bad weather, residents should make preparations to protect their homes and move their vehicles to higher ground.

Emergency Contacts

Emergency Services (if life is at risk)               999

Environment Agency – Floodline                     0845 988 1188

Wessex Water                                                        0845 600 4 600

Sewage Floodline                                                  0845 850 5959

Leakstoppers                                                          0800 692 0692

Non-Emergency Contacts

Environment Agency                                           03708 506 506

Flood Protection Association                            033 33 23 87 01

National Flood Forum                                        01299 403 055

Police (non-emergency)                                     101

Somerset Civil Contingencies Unit                   0845 345 9188

Somerset Drainage Boards                                 01278 789906

Somerset Highways (to report blocked

Highway drain or gully)                                      0300 123 2224

For urgent enquiries, the Flood Risk Management Team can be contacted on:

0300 123 2224 between 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday to Friday.

Please note that the team are not an ‘Emergency Response Team’ and if you have flooded or are in imminent danger of flooding, please refer to the contact list above.

For information to get prepared for flooding please visit Somerset Council’s webpage at: www.somerset.gov.uk/preparing for flooding

Somerset Council’s telephone number is 0300 123 2224.

If householders have had problems getting home insurance, click here for the Government’s website which also has information for lower cost insurance for householders living in flood prone areas.

10 October 2024
Last Updated
10 October 2024