PARISH OF Ilminster CP
Temporary Closure of Footpaths CH14/10, CH 15/18, CH 15/15 and CH 14/9
TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991, the County Council of Somerset hereby issues this Notice PROHIBITING ALL TRAFFIC from proceeding along (1) Footpath CH 14/10 from the A303 in a south easterly direction for 315 metres (2) Footpath CH 15/18 from the A303 in a northerly direction for 220 metres (3) Footpath CH 15/15 from the A303 in northerly direction for 60 metres and (4) Footpath CH 14/9 from the A303 in a south westerly direction for 185 metres as shown in red on the plan, because of potential danger to the public due to unsafe pedestrian bridges within the A303 curtilage.
The closure will take effect from Friday 5th March 2021 and will remain in force for 21 days.
Please note that these are within the responsibility of Highways England. For more information please contact the Area Warden, Sarah Cresswell 07584 175258 or
Click here to download the temporary closures: