Home Your Council Governance


Code of Conduct

Town Councillors are expected to act in accordance with the Town Council’s Code of Conduct.


Complaints about Ilminster Town Councillors must be made to The Monitoring Officer at Somerset Council; please refer to the Somerset Council process and forms.

Councillors Declaring Interests

Ilminster Town Council requires Councillors to declare 3 types of interest: Personal, Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Prejudicial Interests.
When to declare an interest and what to declare is the responsibility of each individual Councillor (the Town Clerk, the Monitoring officer , even other Councillors can provide advice but the decision and responsibility is down to each Councillor).

Personal Interest

A personal interest is where the matter being discussed may affect the wellbeing or financial position of a Councillor or a close member of their family, more than it would affect the majority of people living in Ilminster. The interest however is of such a nature that it is unlikely to prejudice the Councillor’s judgement.

Prejudicial Interest

An interest becomes prejudicial if it affects the Councillor or the Councillor’s family’s financial circumstances and if a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard it as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the Councillor’s judgement of the public interest.

Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI)

These interests are declared on the Councillor’s Register of Interest Form and include employment, business interests, and land / property ownership.

Financial Regulations

Financial Regulations are the rules about the way the Town Council buys goods and services and how it will manage its finances.

General Data Protection Regulation

Standing Orders

Standing orders are the written rules of a local Council. They are used to confirm a Council’s internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings.

Strategic Plan

Please see below for a copy of the Town’s Councils Strategic Plan 2020/21-2022/23

Strat Plan 2022/2023

Scheme of Delegations including Council and Committee Terms of Reference

The Council has formally given approval to Committees and the Town Clerk to make some decisions and take some actions without having to get prior approval of Council, these are listed in “The Scheme of Delegations”

Terms of Reference for Users groups

Council and each Committee have description of what they do and what decisions they can make, this is called their Terms of Reference

10 October 2024
Last Updated
6 January 2025