Home Your Council Policies


The Town Council’s Policies are listed in alphabetical order. Policies are usually reviewed every 3 years unless legislation or changes to legislation require a more frequent  review.

Complaints Procedure

At the Town Council meeting held on Tuesday 12th December 2017, the Council approved and adopted a new complaints procedure for dealing with complaints about the Council’s administration or its procedures.

Employee Code of Conduct

All Ilminster Town Council Employees are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.

Equality and Diversity Policy and Procedures


A summary of the grants policy is given below:

  •  Local organisations who have charitable objectives and operate on a not for profit basis are able to apply for grants. Grants are expected to enable such organisations to develop projects which can clearly demonstrate their direct benefit to the citizens of Ilminster (in this context local means that the organisation is based within the parish of Ilminster or that it provides services/activities for Ilminster residents)
  • Applications must be for specific, discrete provision  e.g.  purchase of a particular piece of equipment
  • Grants are limited to a maximum of £750 (wef May 2024)

Revenue Subsidy Grants

Ilminster Town Council may award a revenue subsidy grant to local organisations who have charitable objectives and operate on a not-for-profit basis.  Revenue subsidy grants are to help organisations meet their ongoing / running costs and the maximum amount of grant that may be applied for is 50% of the running costs.

NB:  In this context local means that the organisation is based within the parish of Ilminster or that it provides services / activities will benefit Ilminster residents and / or businesses. Monies awarded through this process are drawn from a limited budget and organisations are limited to one application per year.

The Council Grant Policy and guidance and the Grant application form can be downloaded above.

Health And Safety

The Town Council’s Health and Safety Policy covers employees, volunteers, Councillors, contractors and visitors to council owned and managed premises.

HR Policies

The Town Council has the following HR policies in place which provide a framework for staff management:

  • Alcohol And Drugs
  • Appraisal Scheme
  • Capability
  • Discipline
  • Grievance
  • Protective Clothing
  • Stress Management
  • Whistleblowing

If you would like a copy of any of these policies please contact the Town Clerk.

Lost Property Policy

The lost property policy outlines the procedures that will be followed for dealing with items found on Town Council. Any found item that may be valuable will be reported to the police and their procedures followed; any other items will be advertised for 2 weeks on the news page of the Town Council’s website, on the Town Council Facebook page and the noticeboards in the Market square and the Wharf Lane Rec.

Media & Publicity Policy

The Town Council wishes to be open and transparent in the way it considers information and takes decisions. As a Town Council we therefore seek opportunities to publish information about our activities with the intention of raising awareness about what the Town Council is doing.

The press and media policy includes information on the Town Council’s procedures for dealing with the media and social media.

Petitions Scheme

Ilminster Town Council recognises that petitions are one way in which people can let us know their views.

PPE & Clothing Allowance

Protocol on Member / Officer  Relationships

The protocol is intended as a guide for Members and Officers in their dealings with one another and as a supplement to the Members’ and Officers’ Codes of Conduct. The reputation and integrity of the Council is significantly influenced by the effectiveness of the Councillor, the Clerk and other staff working together to support each other’s roles. The aim is effective and professional working relationships characterised by mutual trust, respect and courtesy.

Recording of Council Meetings Procedure

At the Town Council meeting held on Tuesday 16th December 2014, the Council approved and adopted a policy on recording of meetings.

Ilminster Town Council is committed to being open and transparent in the way it conducts its decision making. Recording, including filming, audio recording, taking photographs, blogging, tweeting and using other social media is permitted at Council meetings and Committee meetings which are open to the public, subject to this policy.

Recruitment Policy

Every recruitment process will be designed with the intention of achieving the selection of the most suitable person for the job.

Risk Management Policy

Schedule of  Charges

Schedule of Charges for the use of Town Council land, buildings and cemetery fees wef 1st April 2024.

Sponsorship Policy

Sponsorship is a contribution, financial or in kind, to the costs involved in a project or activity in return for advertising: The Town Council may seek and accept offers of sponsorship and  / or The Town Council may provide sponsorship. The Town Council will endeavour, where possible and appropriate, to work in partnership with local and national businesses to identify opportunities for sponsorship that will be of mutual benefit.

Strategic Plan

The Town Council’s Strategic Plan is intended to focus activity and decision making , help prioritise projects and resourcing, and provide a baseline against which progress can be measured.

Training and Development Policy

Treasury and Investment Policy

Co-Option Policy

Memorial Bench policy

10 October 2024
Last Updated
22 January 2025